Healing stalled - mebbe the FMS/CMP interrupting. However, I am
preparing to do battle with shower/tub. Really think a hot, soapy soak
followed by clear water w/epsom salts jacuzzi bubbling might feel good.
Getting in should be easy enough, it's the exit strategy I've not worked
out. Won't be calling Rumsfeld or Wolfowitz for advice though.
I always remember you - and your birthday too even if I forget to tell
you. I remember first because August 14th is/was my paternal
grandmother's birthday *and* if you look at this pdf file I figure
blowing out all the candles on your cake was the real culprit of this:
Report: The August 14, 2003 Blackout One Year Later
It was so freakin' hot! Put ice cubes in freezer bags and placed all
over body, slept in dusty but at least cold basement on cement floor in
sleeping bag, my body *loved* it & worsest <g> no TV. Just me & Jim
starin' at each other. Wheeee!
Problem actually started in Ohio if memory serves me which is usually
doesn't so I know I can't hold you responsible.
O's 'n X's, WahulaJo
Post by melodymomHope you are healing well, and not paying too badly now. I always
remember you - and your birthday - just don't always remember to tell you!