Post by Rosemarie ShiverAw!!
Kiss kiss and hug hug to you both! Thank ya! I promise that within 6 weeks
your eyebrows will grow back from 47 candles singeing them off. You can draw
them on until then! :-)
LOL!!! The eyebrow thing is a running family joke since my husband
realized one of our friends literally shaved her eyebrows off and
painted them back on. I can think of a lot of reasons why one might do
that, but all of them are beyond him. <G>
Just make sure when you blow out candles, heavy sighs, or just stale
air, you blow it toward that stinkin' Frances. If we all blow
together... ???
luv&birthday hugs to my favorite demented {{{{{{{{Rosie}}}}}}}
Post by Rosemarie Shiver{{{Mel and Squish}}}
Hugs from Rosie