2004-12-23 22:32:22 UTC
...are everywhere you look. The rush is on for my house. Dave will be
home in a few minutes to load up the car with our dirty clothes and we
will head for the laudromat & grocery store.
Tomorrow morning I'll be in the kitchen scrambling eggs & cooking
sausage to take to son & daughter-in-law's house for breakfast with all
the kids & grandkids, followed by the greed-fest. It's the only time we
can get everyone together, as Ryan's oldest, Taryn, will be with her mom
on Christmas day, and Naomi has to work the dinner shift at the
restaurant tomorrow afternoon/evening.
In the afternoon I'm going to cook the turkey for Saturday, and in the
evening bake some pies - or supervise Dave baking if I run out of steam,
which is quite likely. Naomi is bringing my mom up for dinner, and my
kitchen is so small I figured that was the best way to do it. There
will only be 7 of us here for dinner. LOL There were ALWAYS seven of
us for dinner for so many years, plus kids' friends, plus family for
holidays, etc, and now when we get 'everyone' together there are 21 (?)
and still end up with an extra visitor sometimes, so seven doesn't seem
like very many.
My Johnny is home now after his band's 6 week tour, so maybe that '7'
will be '8' - and one day soon, before he takes off on another tour, I'm
going to get some alone time with him so he can tell me about the trip.
I know they played in Idaho, Wyoming, Oregon, California, Texas,
Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina. Can't wait to hear all about
it, but sure can't do that with other people in the room! The more
noise, the less I hear...
Here's wishing you a love-filled holiday, and a better year ahead.
Love you!
home in a few minutes to load up the car with our dirty clothes and we
will head for the laudromat & grocery store.
Tomorrow morning I'll be in the kitchen scrambling eggs & cooking
sausage to take to son & daughter-in-law's house for breakfast with all
the kids & grandkids, followed by the greed-fest. It's the only time we
can get everyone together, as Ryan's oldest, Taryn, will be with her mom
on Christmas day, and Naomi has to work the dinner shift at the
restaurant tomorrow afternoon/evening.
In the afternoon I'm going to cook the turkey for Saturday, and in the
evening bake some pies - or supervise Dave baking if I run out of steam,
which is quite likely. Naomi is bringing my mom up for dinner, and my
kitchen is so small I figured that was the best way to do it. There
will only be 7 of us here for dinner. LOL There were ALWAYS seven of
us for dinner for so many years, plus kids' friends, plus family for
holidays, etc, and now when we get 'everyone' together there are 21 (?)
and still end up with an extra visitor sometimes, so seven doesn't seem
like very many.
My Johnny is home now after his band's 6 week tour, so maybe that '7'
will be '8' - and one day soon, before he takes off on another tour, I'm
going to get some alone time with him so he can tell me about the trip.
I know they played in Idaho, Wyoming, Oregon, California, Texas,
Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina. Can't wait to hear all about
it, but sure can't do that with other people in the room! The more
noise, the less I hear...
Here's wishing you a love-filled holiday, and a better year ahead.
Love you!